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Dennis Warren
An Exploration of The Foundations of Professional Errors and Performance -
A Five Week Series - Division of Pain Medicine - University of California At
Davis School of Medicine And Medical Center
A Yosemite National Forest Weekend Mindfulness Retreat For Physicians -
Kaiser Permanente Physicians Group
Mental Health
A Training In Mindfulness Based Interventions For Therapists - A Five Week
Series Inside California State Prison Sacramento - Folsom Maximum Security
Other Health Professionals
Working With The Reality of High Pressure Workplace Demands - A Workshop
for Nurses and Discharge Planners - Children's Hospital of Orange County
Teaching And Using Mindfulness and Compassion Practices in Challenging
Circumstances - Presentation - Betty Irene Moore School of Nursing
Elder Care
A Workshop On Mindfulness Interventions In The Care Of The Elderly - California
Association Of Adult Day Services
Performance, Satisfaction, Wellbeing - Multiple One Day Retreats For Attorneys -
Spirit Rock Meditation Center
Mindfulness And The Daily Practice of Law - Multiple Presentations - 2010 Mindful
Lawyer National Conference - A Three Day National Event With Judges, Practicing
Attorneys and Legal Educators - Exploring The Integration Of Meditation And
Contemplative Practices With Legal Education And Practice - University of California
At Berkeley's Boalt Hall School of Law.
Mindfulness Based Residential Retreats for Attorneys - Week Long Residential Retreats
For Attorneys Exploring The Use of Mindfulness in Practicing Law - San Francisco And
Marin County Bar Associations - Spirit Rock Meditation Center
Using Mindfulness And Meditation In Transitioning Out of Homelessness - Multiple Five
Week Half Day Retreats for Homeless Women With Children - St. John's Shelter For
Women and Children
Art and Poetry
Mindfulness In The Gallery With The Paintings of David Ligare - A Two Session Exploration
Of The Intersection of Awareness and Art - Crocker Art Museum
Poetry As a Contemplative Practice - A One Day Retreat - Sacramento Insight Meditation
Wellness: An Exploration, An Open Question, A Way Of Being - Of Being - National Adult Day
Services Conference, National Adult Day Services Association
Meditative Awareness As A Tool Of Joy, Satisfaction and Creativity - State Convention, Delta
Kappa Gamma International Society
Mindfulness And Meditation
Five To Eight Week Courses On The Fundamentals of Mindfulness / Insight Meditation -
Offered Two Times Per Year Since 1998 - Sacramento Insight Meditation
Awakening From The Suffering of "A Separate Self" - A Practical Hands-On Path Of Practice -
A One Day Retreat - Mountain Stream Meditation Center
What May Be Possible In This Lifetime Through Meditation and Mindfulness Practice - A One
Day Retreat - Benicia Meditation Group
Creating A Life Worth Living & A World Worth Living In - A One Day Retreat - Sacramento
Insight Meditation
Residential Meditation Retreats
Integrating Meditation and Contemplative Practices Into Our Lives - A Ten Day Residential
Mindfulness / Insight Meditation Retreat - Offered Once Yearly During The Last Ten Years -
Sacramento Insight Meditation
Asian Pilgrimage and Moving Meditation Retreat At The Important Sites of Meditation History -
A Twenty Six Day Moving Meditation Retreat And Exploration of Eight Different Venues Of
Importance In Meditative History in Thailand, India and Nepal - Offered In 2007, 2014 and 2021.
*Contact Dennis Directly At For Details on Upcoming Presentations,
Workshops, Trainings and Retreats.
Representative Events From 1998 To the Present
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